I basically took an entourage with me. Mom asked if she could come, and our friend Kevin (who recommended Dr. Fuzz) also came along for the ride. I drug Richard along too for fun ;o)
The class was very straight forward, much of the information I already had learned from my research on the internet, but it's always good to hear it from a doctor.
I got to meet Dr. Fuzz (Fernandez), and his nutritionist - Amber (who was the sweetest thing!)
He talked about the 3 different types of weight loss surgery (lap band, Roux-en-Y, sleeve). I'm going all the way with Roux-en-Y.
Even though the lap band surgery is the most commonly used weight loss surgery right now, I don't trust the side effects (band slipping, I don't like the idea of having a port to fill the band, I also don't like that there is a possibility that the band could become infected inside-- weirds me out.)
The Sleeve is when they cut out 85% of the stomach, totally taking it out. I think the possibility for leakage with that would have to be high since the incision would be hugh compared to the bypass. (Not a fan.)
So Roux-en-Y it is! (Pronounced "Roo - n - y")
In short, they will cut the top part of my stomach and make a little pouch. They will take part of my small intestine, and attach it to the pouch, but will leave the rest of my stomach in tack, it just won't be used except to put deposit some digestive juices into my small intestine every once in a while.

So that's the tall and short of it. I'm waiting now... for medical records and for approval for surgery from the doctor and from my insurance company.
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