Friday, October 1, 2010


Rich and I BOTH have all our nutritional appointments set now. WOOT!

Now I am just waiting for the psychologist to call me back with an appointment and we'll be set. (He's in the clinic yesterday and today. Boo.)

So now as it's set, our appointments are:
Oct. 18th Dr.McNatt
Oct. 25th Amber (Nutritionist)
Nov. 16th Amber (Nutritionist)

I've decided to document my (our) journey online, because this is something that I have personally battled all my life. It seems crazy to me that I wouldn't give anyone a glimpse at what is going on in the process of changing my life. {This is not something that we are ashamed of or feel like needs to be kept secret. If anything, we're excited to share what God is doing in our lives as we lose weight.} We also live an hour from family, who we see as often as possible, but it's not weekly. I feel like Richard and I both would benefit from the support, even if it's from a distance. So as the time grows closer, I'll be posting pictures, possible videos and such to document our gastric journey.

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thanks for leavin' us some love!