Tuesday, November 23, 2010

3 week Pre-Surgery Diet

Why a diet before Gastric Bypass Surgery? To help reduce the size of you (fatty) liver and improve other conditions that may make surgery
more difficult.

My nutritionist said I should expect to lost another 3% on this diet.

1. Drink 2 protein shakes (women and 3 for men) each day.
Mixed with 8oz skim milk or water.
Must be in these guidelines:
80-100 calories
0-4g fat
1-7g carbs
17-15g protein

2. No caffeine

3. One serving of each of these per day. ( don't have to eat it but no substitutions.)
- 1/2 cup dry oatmeal with water
- 4oz sugar free jello
- 6oz light nonfat yogurt
- 3oz fresh fruit OR 4oz unsweetened applesauce
- 2 cup raw OR 1 cup cooked non-starchy vegetable
- 3 oz very lean protein (chicken, turkey, or white fish)
- 1 tbsp light salad dressing.

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