Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Week 22 - Weigh In (& Weight Discrimination)

I'm down to 196 lbs today! Woot! (-74 lbs since WLS)
Honestly, I forgot to weigh last week. Then time got away from me, and I forgot to post after I weighed this past weekend.

So much has been happening these past 2 weeks!
I received an interview at LabCorp about 2 weeks ago, and then was offered the job last week! Woot! My position is HealthCare Billing Specialist, and I start July 5th. Super stoked!

I do have to say that losing this weight definitely took away that self conscious thing during the interview. I didn't worry about how I looked in my interview suit, because I knew I looked good ;o) ha!

But seriously, I do believe that there is a problem in the workplace today with weight discrimination. If there are two people applying for the same position, with the same qualifications and one is overweight- most of the time, the thinner person will receive the position. Unfortunately, overweight and obese individuals are often looked at as lazy.

There are several layers to this. I understand employers much look at the whole picture-- for example: obese individuals typically have more health problems; therefore, they will miss more time at work. (As for me and my husband, we rarely missed any work for health related reasons until this year when we decided to embark on our gastric bypass journey.)

Anyway, that's just the tip of the iceberg of this subject, but I really enjoyed this article by the Obesity Action Coalition -->

I really like what the OAC is doing, and am finding myself more and more on board with their efforts to education people about obesity.

1 comment:

  1. I love the photos on your sidebar... what a difference since the beginning of the year!


thanks for leavin' us some love!