Monday, March 28, 2011

Random Things in my Shrinking Head ;o)

1. My wedding rings are getting big. Doesn't that mean I get knew ones? ;o)

2. It's fun to see family & friends I haven't seen since my surgery-- my favorite response yesterday was "Dang. Look at you!"

3. I feel the same way about chicken that she does.

4. Size 14/16 never felt so good!

5. I believe I've lost 30 lbs in my legs, and 20 pounds in my shoulders & chin.

6. Insomnia. It's bad. I probably should be looking for a 3rd shift job.

7. Two words: Tzatziki Sauce. Oh my dang :o)

8. I'm so ready to retire my baggy size 24 Winter clothes! Go away snow!

9. People are nicer when you're thinner.

10. I am craving salads. Lettuce isn't working though.

11. Favorite 'new' foods: Tzatziki Sauce. Pineapple. Special K Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein Meal Bars. Shrimp.

12. "Hello There, Mr. Collar Bones!"

1 comment:

  1. You're just so cute!

    # 9- Hmmm. I have to say that yes, to a certain point you're probably right, BUT when you start looking better than them, things could swing the other way. It's happened to me MANY times. Sadly.


thanks for leavin' us some love!