So.... DO I HAVE ANY REGRETS? I don't think anyone should answer this question until they are several months post-op. Probably at least 6 months or more. I'm about 2 1/2 weeks out of surgery, and I'm still recovering from the surgery. I'm trying to get used to a new way of eating. So check back in 6 months and I'll have an answer for ya ;o)
I was still struggling a little with getting nauseous in the morning, but I honestly think most of it was brought on by my head. It's amazing what the mind can make the body do. I've started drinking 8oz of sugar free apple cider first thing in the morning, and this has really helped to settle my pouch. Surprisingly, I was apple to drink the entire 8oz this morning in about 40 minutes. I'm pretty stoked about that.
I'm trying something new this morning. I have to take 3 of these MASSIVE calcium citrate vitamins a day. It's like chewing mint flavored chalk. {Just being honest here.}
UPDATE** calcium citrate pudding is a no go. had to gag it down. yuck. I did try a sample of a cherry tart calcium citrate from Celebrate after the other was a no-go, and it was tolerable. It reminded me of a huge chalky sweet-tart... sort of :o/
Alright, so on to start a great day! :o)