Monday, January 24, 2011

Ups & Downs & Spin-Arounds

I've been having some ups and downs these past few days. Nothing I didn't expect :o) Everything is fine physically, I think it's more in my head. It's funny that the surgeons can fix your stomach, but they can't fix your head ;o) I still have "head hunger" (you know when you want something to eat but you aren't hungry)... yep, still happens! But I'm learning that this is THE time for me to rely on God like never before, and deal with my emotions, feelings, and habits.

This is so similar to any New Years Resolution. You are gung-ho for several weeks, then your willpower starts to waver. Only for me this year, I don't have a choice ;o) But I still have to deal with the "why"s of why I do what I do.

I've noticed that my tastes have changed like crazy, done a complete 180. Nothing really tastes good, and I HAVE to find a protein shake that I like. It's going to be a lot of trial and error I suspect. So please say a prayer for me to find one that I can tolerate.

I was really hoping for snow tomorrow! the one time that I can't get out of the house... it'd be nice to look at the beautiful white stuff from my window. So as many of you are praying for no snow... I'll be praying we get 6 inches! heehee!


  1. Have you tried the premier protein shakes at Costco? They aren't bad, that's what I drink. They have chocolate and Vanilla.

    I love you missy, you are doing wonderful! Just keep trucking and think about your end product! That's what I have to keep telling myself.

    I want snow too. I don't care if everyone else hates it. I LOVE snow :) So I am praying for it with you!

  2. Praying for u all the time. Our Aunt Jenn is doing fabulous:) Hope you find a yummy protein shake soon! Love ya!

  3. Love ya Nasie!

    Ash- I haven't tried Costco yet. Summer and I did a free day trial about a month ago, but they wouldn't let me purchase without buying the membership. Since I hadn't tasted it yet, I was wearing of buying the membership just to buy the drink :oP When I can get out again, I might have to come take a sip of yours ;o) Love ya!


thanks for leavin' us some love!